Stepping Stones for Stepfamilies

Nora Rhoades - Family and Youth Development Agent

    The stepfamily is becoming one of the most common family forms in this country. A stepfamily is defined in many ways. One definition is: a family in which one of the adults has a child or children
from a previous relationship. The adults may be married or living together. Families of this type may refer to their family unit as a stepfamily, blended family, remarried, binuclear, combined, or reconstituted.
    Stepparents have a ready-made family from the very beginning. The new family members must learn to live together. The stepchildren and stepparents have to learn to get along. Then there are former partners, grandparents, friends, current and former in-laws, teachers, clergy, and other people who must learn to adjust to the new stepfamily. Usually, these are not easy processes and can take a lot of time.
    Stepping Stones for Stepfamilies is a home study series focused on building strong stepfamily relationships. The home study series by K-State Research and Extension includes lessons on:

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