Youth Gain Valuable Experience During 4-H Club Day

by Abbye Hendrich, 4-H Program Coordinator-Smith County

What would you do if you found yourself standing before a judge? Would you panic? Would you forget your own name? Would your voice get a little shaky?

Or would you be able to keep your calm?

Youth from all five counties in the Post Rock District appeared before judges during 4-H Club Day and passed with flying colors. True, they may have been a little nervous, but they didn’t let their fears get in the way of their goals. These youth delivered their presentations in style.

“I love the public speaking practice that my children are gaining by speaking about things they are interested in and excited about” Tracy Hall, 4-H mother of five, stated. “Last summer my clover Ed refused to speak about his project in front of people because he was scared, but being able to talk about something he is passionate about (batman) gave him the courage to speak.”

Not only do the participating youth learn more about their own projects, but they learn from their peers as well. “By watching other children give their presentations, my children have learned new project ideas to pursue” Hall continued.

And that is really what 4-H Club Day is all about.

It’s not just about a high ribbon placing, beating your sibling, or reciting your speech perfectly.

4-H Club Day’s ultimate goal is to provide youth with an all-around invaluable experience and the incentive to make the best better.

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