Hazardous Occupations Training 2014 (part 1)

by Neil Cates, Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent

Last night, March 11, thirty-one youth showed up to participate in the 2014 Hazardous Occupations Training held at Carrico Implement in Beloit. This course is required for 14 and 15-year-olds to work on a farm for someone other than their parent or legal guardian. Even if kids are working for their parents, the course is highly recommended because of the wealth of knowledge kids receive from the course.

Our course, in the Post Rock District, is a two day event. Last night we met for two and half hours to take the pretest and learn from Serita Blankenship, Safety Specialist for Kansas Farm Bureau. Serita delivers an eye-opening presentation, which really gets kids paying attention.

Demonstrations last night included; grain bin safety, importance of wearing safety belt while operating machinery, and PTO safety. The class favorite appeared to be the safety belt demonstration. In it, the kids are split into groups of three. Each group is assigned an egg to draw a face on and name. Serita, then brings a volunteer from each group with their egg up to the table for the demonstration. 

The first egg “driver” is not wearing his safety belt or using his Roll Over Protective System (ROPS) on the tractor. The tractor roll over is played out with a model tractor and the students see the effects on the egg.

The second egg is not wearing his safety belt but is using his Roll Over Protective System on the tractor. The roll over scenario takes place again with the results equaling in tragedy again.

The third egg is wearing his safety belt and using his Roll Over Protective System. Once again the tractor rolls, but the egg survives. These simple demonstrations go a long way in giving the kids respect for the implements they will be driving.

 Another demonstration from last night showed the students how quickly a person can be engulfed in grain inside of a bin or wagon. In the demonstration, it took only 4 seconds for the person to become completely submerged in the grain inside a gravity wagon.

The final demonstration, and perhaps the most “eye-opening” was the PTO (Power Take Off) simulation. With the help of a life size, paper filled dummy, and a tractor and baler, the kids witnessed the results of getting caught in a PTO shaft. It took one second for the dummy to become completely wrapped around the shaft numerous times.

Night one of Hazardous Occupations Training was a success. I will provide you with the details of the final session on Saturday the 22nd. At that time the kids will take part in classroom sessions, watch maintenance demonstrations, drive tractors and then take their final exam.

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