Fitting in Fitness

Ashley Svaty, Nutrition, Food Safety and Health Agent

I recently began wearing my physical activity tracker again. About a week ago I woke up and decided I would charge it up and wear it for the day to see how many steps I’m racking up since my daily routine has changed quite a bit. I had been feeling sluggish and not myself so I thought it would be interesting to see the results. Truthfully, my body was telling me in different ways that I wasn’t moving as much as I should have and I didn’t need a fitness tracker to tell me that- but I wanted to see the number. After wearing my tracker for a day, I found I was drastically under my daily goal. This hit me like a rock but it was because I hadn’t been intentional throughout the day to get out and move as much as usual! I had still enjoyed my evening walk but that wasn’t enough to make up for the lack of movement I didn’t make throughout my day. Since that wake up call, I have been extremely intentional about moving more and sitting less while now faced with a new daily routine. I know I can’t be the only one who feels this way and who may need an extra boost of energy to get motivated and moving. You’re not alone. Together we can be intentional in what we do throughout the day to ensure we are moving more and taking care of our bodies so we feel better and perform to our highest potential. 

If you find yourself getting brain fog, get up and move for a couple minutes or take a brisk walk outside then hop back to work. Put some fun music on and dance while you’re cleaning or doing housework to take a break when you need it. It’s now more important than ever that we take care of our minds and our bodies by eating right, staying active, getting enough sleep, and staying connected with others so we can thrive! Now that I’ve been intentional about reaching my goal to move more, I’ve felt like myself again with much more energy and just simply feeling better! If you’re sort of in a rut looking for fun ways to get moving alone or as a family, there are plenty of resources below that I hope you enjoy!

Let me know if these tips worked for you or if you have other go-to activities your family uses to move more and sit less throughout the day.

Let loose and move as a family: 

Add any physical activity you like to do! Examples include: arm circles, sit ups, planks, push-ups, balancing on one foot, jumping jacks, jumps/hops, high knees, mountain climbers, arm circles, lunges, squats, dance. Get creative and write activities your family loves, also use this time to teach each other how to perform those favorites!

  • Activity dice: Use any boxes you have, shoe boxes, empty tissue boxes, cereal boxes-any box will work! Label each side of one box with numbers, we recommend between 10-20. The next box will be used for the fun activities listed above. You will then roll the dice (boxes) and see how many times you will perform each activity.

  • Activity ball: Any soft ball you feel safe to toss around the house will work here-beach balls, volleyballs, soccer balls, etc. (like the one pictured). Add physical activities or stretches around the ball with a permanent marker and toss the ball to your family members. Everyone then participates in the activity that their thumb lands on.

  • Activity tower: Write different activities on each piece and as you play, perform the physical activity or stretch that is on that piece. If the tower falls, stack it back up and keep going!

Other fun ways to get moving: 

  • Walk or bike around town or around the block throughout the day.
  • Create fitness breaks when watching television using the activity dice, balls, and tower above.
  • Walk at lunch, especially if your normal routine incorporates this.
  • Create games or competitions with household chores between family members.
  • Play in the garden.
  • Go on a treasure hunt with your family to see what you can find around town.
  • Get moving with an at home beginner strength training workout.
  • Try an at home cardio internal workout.
  • Check out for free, fun and interactive videos.

Focus on what you like to do and you will move more in no time-without even thinking about it. Take care and stay healthy!

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