How do I determine how much nitrogen my wheat crop needs for the topdress application?
Sandra Wick, Crop Production Agent
You might think it is
too early to think about fertility management for your wheat, but now is a good
time to start planning for your topdressing
nitrogen (N) application on your winter wheat crop. The first task is to access or evaluate your
wheat stand to determine the potential of your crop. This might be a rather challenging decision
as some of the wheat in many fields is small due to late planting and the
unusual wet conditions this fall and winter.
So there are some key elements that need to be considered when deciding
on exactly what to do. These include
timing, N source, application method or placement and N rate.
“Timing is the key for your topdress application as the N in
your topdress application needs to be into the root zone, with precipitation,
by rapid plant growth and nitrogen uptake well before jointing begins in order
to be most efficiently utilized by wheat,” according to Dr. Dorivar Ruiz Diaz,
K-State Research and Extension Nutrient Management specialist. With some of the
wheat out there with fairly limited growth, having adequate N available to
support spring tillering when it breaks dormancy will be important. The
following will discuss some of the issues to consider when making topdressing
While some producers
often wait until spring just prior to jointing, this can be too late in some
years, especially when little or no N was applied in the fall. For the
well-drained medium-to fine-textured soils that dominate our wheat acres, the
odds of losing much of the N that is topdress-applied in the winter is low
since we typically don’t get enough precipitation over the winter to cause
significant denitrification or leaching. For these soils, topdressing can begin
anytime now, and usually the earlier the better. However, remember there are conditions when
it is NOT recommended to apply nitrogen such as frozen ground or snow covered
where runoff can occur and interfere with the distribution of the nitrogen.
The next factor that can
affect the efficiency of the topdress application is the application method or placement. Most topdressing is broadcast applied. In
high-residue situations, this can result in some immobilization or “tie-up” of
N, especially where liquid UAN is used. “If no herbicides are applied with the
N, producers can get some benefit from applying the N in a dribble band on 15-
to 18-inch centers,” added Ruiz Diaz.
This can minimize immobilization and may provide for a little more
consistent crop response.
Source is another important factor in nitrogen
utilization. The typical sources of N
used for topdressing wheat are UAN solution and dry urea. Numerous trials by
K-State over the years have shown that both are equally effective. In no-till
situations, there may be some slight advantage to applying dry urea since some
of it will fall to the soil surface and be less affected by immobilization than
broadcast liquid UAN, which tends to get hung up on surface residue.
Lastly, but certainly
not the least is the rate. As discussed earlier, the rate would depend
on the potential of the crop or more ideally, based on soil tests, specifically
a profile N test, that was collected on your fields. It is not too late to use the profile N soil
test if taken in late winter/very early spring before the wheat greens up.
While it won’t be as accurate as when sampled in the fall, it can still point
out fields or areas in fields with high levels of available nitrate N. Remember, topdressing should complement or
supplement the N applied in the fall and the residual soil N present in the
soil. The total N application, at planting and topdressing, should equal the
target recommended rate.
To address the nutrient
management topic, our Post Rock Extension District will be hosting a “Nutrient Management Update” meeting on
Thursday, February 14 in Jewell at the Community Center. The meeting will start at 10:00 a.m. and
include at 12:30 p.m. Lunch will be
served following the program. CCA and
CEU credits available. 10 registered
participants are needed to hold the meeting.
RSVP is requested by Monday, February 11 either ONLINE at
or to any of our Post Rock District Offices in Beloit, Lincoln, Mankato,
Osborne or Smith Center. NO COST, thanks
to our sponsor Randall Farmers Coop Union.
For further questions on
nitrogen management in your wheat,
contact me at any Post Rock Extension District Offices in Beloit, Lincoln,
Mankato, Osborne or Smith Center.
Rock Extension District of K-State Research and Extension serves Jewell,
Lincoln, Mitchell, Osborne, and Smith counties. Sandra may be contacted at or by calling Smith Center, 282-6823, Beloit 738-3597, Lincoln
524-4432, Mankato 378-3174, or Osborne 346-2521. Join us on Facebook at “Post Rock Extension”
along with our blog site at Also remember our website is and my twitter account is @PRDcrops.